Love for comfortable interiors, light and happiness!

Love for comfortable interiors, light and happiness!

February 25, 2011

Thibault Wallpaper!

Love this pattern by Thibault.

It is called Starlight in a lovely bluish-aqua color.  I am seriously considering using this wallpaper in my son and daughters bathroom.

This shows the pattern overall.  It is gorgeous!

Love the easy going scroll work, it's not hoity-toity.  It's more relaxed and youthful without being babyish.

This is the vanity!!

What I really like is the light countertop with the dark/black painted wood.  Have I mentioned that I enjoy painted wood?  Well, if I haven't let's just say I really, really do.  :)

Another part I love about this vanity is the open bottom shelf.  Perfect for towels or baskets to store items.  Love the small drawers on the sides and the two doors that open in the middle.  The symmetry is perfect.

Haven't consulted the kids yet (well I ran the wallpaper by my son and he approved) but I will probably go ahead and do it anyway.  They have learned to trust me!

February 17, 2011


Floral Arrangement

Veranda Magazine has the bestest floral arrangements ever.  They appear to follow classical rules with unique flowers and everything else that grows.
And the best-est part?  They don't use baby's breath!

February 13, 2011


Persian Weaves Collection

May I drool now?  Holy Cow!! I just adore the fabric ( which caught my eye first ) then I noticed the chair that was wearing it.  And again I fell in love!
What do you think?

February 11, 2011

Alcove Beds!

Pretty and airy feel.

Enjoy the pretty window in this alcove bed.  That is unusual.

Pretty in Purple & Pink

Love the purple drapes that make this alcove bed so cozy.  What is done so right is the white linens on the bed.  With all that purple and pink the linens really needed to be a crisp fresh white.

Roomy Alcove

This is a stretch to label this as an alcove bed however, I suppose I can due to the fact that it appears as an alcove.  Love the columns, arch and bookshelves.
Gypsy Feel

Am really enjoying the lovely drapes and their embellishments.  The bedding being a bit messy and not perfectly made really gives off the gypsy feel.  So glorious and yet so almost rustic in feel.

February 01, 2011

Eye Candy & Inspiration!

Stella & Dot

What lovely jewelry. 
Pretty and Fun!

And notice the colors used here in the photo shoot.  

Turquoise and Orange!!


Such a pretty mix.  Turquoise and raspberry with gold and silver.  Interesting pattern.  Major reflection of a braid but with more  substance.


A new look with what has become an iconic color trend ( iconic & trend? can those two words successfully be linked? ).  

I just love this. Triple strand and bold jet the colors and bead shapes are very soothing.  Reminding one of the beach perhaps?


The round and oval shapes are working together as is the finish.  A pretty neutral almost with a wood look to them.
Clover Double Wrap Leather!

Gimme - Gimme!

I honestly don't believe anything more needs to be said about these bracelets.

Signature Clover Cuff

So pretty and delicate yet the size is bold and perfect.  Love the hammered silver look that has been given to this bracelet.

Check out Stella and Dot there are lots and lots more eye candy to see and love and buy and lust over!