Love for comfortable interiors, light and happiness!

Love for comfortable interiors, light and happiness!

February 11, 2011

Alcove Beds!

Pretty and airy feel.

Enjoy the pretty window in this alcove bed.  That is unusual.

Pretty in Purple & Pink

Love the purple drapes that make this alcove bed so cozy.  What is done so right is the white linens on the bed.  With all that purple and pink the linens really needed to be a crisp fresh white.

Roomy Alcove

This is a stretch to label this as an alcove bed however, I suppose I can due to the fact that it appears as an alcove.  Love the columns, arch and bookshelves.
Gypsy Feel

Am really enjoying the lovely drapes and their embellishments.  The bedding being a bit messy and not perfectly made really gives off the gypsy feel.  So glorious and yet so almost rustic in feel.

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