Love for comfortable interiors, light and happiness!

Love for comfortable interiors, light and happiness!

March 28, 2011

Love this Image!

Tea Leoni!

Isn't she just beautiful?  I have always admired her as an actress.  In this photo she has the perfect amount of make-up on.  Simple but nicely defined eyes and eyebrows, smooth skin (which I believe comes naturally to her and I am so jealous of).  Her lipstick is this gorgeous light shade of plumish/pink and works so well with her blonde hair.

Ok, time to completely confess as to why I really love this particular image of Tea.  I want her hair.  I know it appears to be a bit messy but I just love the casualness of it.  I want that look.  The casual (hair) yet completely pulled together (make-up) look for myself.  I see my fabulous hairstylist this Thursday.  I'm going blonde!!  Naturally I'm an awful mousey brown.  A cold brown, so just not flattering at all.  About 10 years ago (or so) I started going blonde and haven't wanted to back since.  I've been one who has multiple perms (back in the 70s and 80s) and have had my hair colored so often in many different ways (no purple / blue / or pink mind you) but I'm sure you get the drift.  

So wish me luck for Thursday!!  And?  I also love Tea Leoni's rings.  Double them up and get such a great impact.  :)

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